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Myrtle Beach Motorcycle Crashes

Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

Motorcyclists are at a safety disadvantage when traveling the roadways in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, due to their lack of visibility and very limited protection when accidents occur. Recognizing the situations in which riders are more vulnerable can go a long way toward avoiding motorcycle crashes.

At the Law Office of William Luse, we understand that Left-Hand turns made by other vehicles are the most dangerous situations for motorcyclists. The turning vehicle may strike the motorcyclist who is going straight through an intersection, or it may occur as the cyclist overtakes and tries to pass a car that suddenly veers out of its lane and into the motorcyclist. Inattentiveness by the other driver and/or blind spots may be factors.

Far more motorcyclists are struck head-on than they are from behind. Riders need to be aware of the situations in which traffic in an oncoming lane may be about to spill partway over into their lane due to an obstacle of some sort. This is a particularly common  occurrence when riding a motorcycle through Myrtle Beach.

If you have been involved in a recent motorcycle crash the Law Office of William Luse can help. 


  1. Who's fault would it be if the motorcyclist is making a left turn at an intersection and gets struck by a motorist driving in the opposite direction?


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