Insurance companies are not always there to help you and unfortunately sometimes employ tricks and tactics to try and deny your injury claims or the amount of money they have to pay. The best way to protect your rights after an accident is to make sure you are aware of some the insurance industry's most common tricks of the trade, such as: 1) Suggesting that you go through the other driver's insurance company to get your car appraised or fixed. If the accident was the other driver's fault, don't be surprised if you own insurance company tries this approach. Don't be fooled by this, the bottom line is that it is often much quicker to have your car fixed through your own coverage. 2) Secretly videotaping you. At times, insurance companies will hire private investigators to videotape accident victims during their day to day lives. Their goal is to catch you doing something that can be used against you during trial or at settlement negotiations. 3) Insurance com...